Sweeny Todd


Resident Gay Cruffy
Did anyone see it yet? I had a friend hiding in his seat the entire time, too much blood for him.
Several friends went to see the film, and they really liked it. The short previews has a nice dark-gothic atmosphere about it. I know this is off the subject Menoh, but did you notice in the news last week about the cenote in Chichen Itza ? Archeologists dove into the cenote and received many bones. It turned out 70 % of the bones were that of young males, not maidens for sacrifices ! Hollywood will be disapointed, virgin girls is a icon. cheers, ms:D :smoke :D ps Are you still in China ?
menoh said:
Did anyone see it yet? I had a friend hiding in his seat the entire time, too much blood for him.

I saw Sweeny Todd about 2 weeks ago..... I liked it but the blood freaked me out a bit but id watch it again:D

hey mel, i guess that perhaps they were prisoners of war who were often kept until needed to sacrifice, in case perhaps a mass sacrifice.
I am in Taiwan still, and freezing.....

about Sweeny, i loved the blood and stuff, until he killed Ms. Lovett in the oven, that caught me off guard....did anyone else have problems hearing what they were saying?
Bway i nuh mih dih get much with weh dih rass them mih dih sing but i get fuh andastand it just dih watch it.:D what grossed me out too was when i noticed them pies were made out of the same people Sweeny was killing eeeewwwwwwww:puke